“An Etude in Cross-Pollination in Bee Major” – Bud Glory‏

 An Etude in Cross-Pollination in Bee Major
Bouncing, boundless butterflies,
Bouncing in the balmy breeze,
Bouncing in the boundless skies,
Bounce between the brown-barked trees,
Bounce on by the bumble bees.

Buzzing, zipping bumble bees,
Buzzing in the zesty skies,
Buzzing in the zesty breeze,
Buzz into the butterflies,
Bumping—making butterbees. 
                  Bud Glory – nom, surely, de plume 

                                               such as also, incidentally, 
                                               Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll,
                                               George Orwell  
                       at ArtlessPoems 
do not miss his bio under “Preface“, one of the
most entertaining pieces of writing I’ve read in
a long while  
A MoonLit Walk“, another of his poems, is one
of the most irreverent, rating a hilarious 5-star
The One I Love“, a love song in the metric guise
of a nursery rhyme, innocent and utterly guileless, 
is also close to my own besotted heart, note,
incidentally, the Fauvist influence