November / Month of the Sonata

The Sonata - Childe Hassam   

    “The Sonata  

           Childe Hassam




having recently determined that a sonata

a day keeps the doctor away, and inspired

to work upon that cure, I thought I’d initiate 

a Sonata Month starting in November


there are thirty days in November, so no 

more than thirty sonatas, each of which

will, I promise, be a revelation


a sonata is a piece of music consisting

of more than just one part, traditionally 

three or four, called movements


within those parameters, anything was,

is, possible, any kind of music, times 

three or four, traditionally, Classically


but traditions indeed applied, the tried 

and true, fast, slow, fast, became the 

standard, a cheery introduction, 

followed by a contrasting, which is to 

say slower, middle section, then a 

restorative, final, energetic, act, meant 

to send you, reinvigorated, on your way, 

maybe even an equally vivacious fourth


there’ll be sonatas with one movement, 

some seven, some with even maybe 



here’s one, for instance, listen, enjoy 


and stay tuned   


and thanks for joining in



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